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Pastured Hampshire Hogs

At Hephzibah Farms we strive to take the best care of our animals, treating them with respect and love all their days, in order to provide a great eating experience. We raise our animals in a stress free, natural environment, so that they can grow to the best of their potential. Range-raised pork is a wonderful eating experience.

About Our Breed

​It is our delight to raise Hampshire/Berkshire cross pigs. We love this breed of pig; they are friendly, docile, and easy to work with. They are a resilient breed that is robust and produce a lean, flavorful meat. We are very hands on in the care of our pigs and attend to their needs several times a day, to ensure that they are living in a peaceful, stress-free environment. We now own our own sow and boar and have started breeding and birthing the pigs right on our own farm. We do not use a farrowing crate, but allow the sow to birth naturally. We will continue to add to our breeding herd in order to breed and raise them completely on our farm.  We raise our pigs in pastures with trees where they can obtain all the forage they want, this includes; nuts, grubs, and plants.  We also use an all-natural, locally grown non-GMO feed along with vegetable scraps. The pigs get plenty of exercise as they run up and down the hills, roaming and rooting out whatever goodies they find. This combination of a healthy diet and plenty of fresh air and exercise produces very high quality and healthy pork. We eat and truly enjoy the meat we raise. We do not use any antibiotics or hormones to enhance growth. 


Buying ranged raised pork from our farm enables you to support a small, family, local business. It also gives you the freedom to get the cuts that you want at a great price. You will speak directly to the butcher to get your pork cut the way that you want it. There are plenty of options from ground pork, to breakfast sausage, brats, pork chops, pork steaks, pork roasts, ham, ham steaks, and bacon.

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How do I place an order?

We sell our pork by the half or whole. We butcher a couple times a year. We ask that you put a deposit down to place an order. The deposit will be deducted from your final balance. We have a couple of ways that you can make a deposit. We have convenient buttons right here on our website that will take you to Paypal to put your deposit down, you do not need a PayPal account to pay this way. Your other option is to mail a check, to us, for the amount of your deposit. You can choose to pay in either way. We do ask that when you make a deposit that you send an email to us with your email address and phone number in order for us to contact you.




Email address:

Phone: 847-530-7373


Make checks payable to: Hephzibah Farms


Send to:

Hephzibah Farms

13202 Hebron Rd.

Hebron, IL 60034 

Total Costs at a Glance

Buying meat at bulk will save you money in the long run and it will ensure that you have good quality meat at your fingertips.   The following will be a breakdown of approximate costs that go along with purchasing meat in bulk. My hope is to paint a clear picture of what you can expect, so there are no surprises.


Our price for pork is $3.85 a pound hanging weight plus processing fee. The processing fee is a separate charge that is paid directly to the processor upon pick up of your meat. These fees include a slaughter charge and a cut and wrap charge, there can also be convenience charges for things like smoked meat, i.e. hams, bacon, or jowls. There is also an extra fee for the making of brats, Italian sausage, and breakfast sausage.


Basic processing costs are as follows:

  • Slaughter Fee $60.00 (divided between parties if buying a half)

  • Cut and Wrap Fee $ .90/lb. hanging weight

  • Smoking $. 65/lb. hanging weight

  • Sausage/Brat/Italian Sausage Fee $1.45/ per pound of sausage being made


The sausage fee varies based on what you desire. For instance, brats can be made with cheese which will impact the cost per pound.


Approximately how much will you be paying for your Pork?

If you are purchasing a whole hog and its hanging weight is 260 lbs. (approximate but around average size for hogs) your costs could look like this.

  • 260 x $3.85 = $1,001.00 for pig

  • 260 x $ .90 = $234.00 for cut and wrap 

  • $60.00 for the slaughter fee

  • additional charge of $1.45 per lbs for any sausage processing

  • additional charge of $ .65 per lbs for any smoking


Your processing fee should be between $230.00 – $400.00 depending on smoking of meats for bacon and ham, and sausage/brat making.


Approximate total for a whole hog would be around $ 1350.00 – $1,400.00. Half a hog will be approximately half this price.​

*Prices do not include tax, which will be added to the total for your order.

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2024 Hephzibah Farms, Inc.

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13202 Hebron Rd., Hebron, IL

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